06.30.2024 hurry for our best rate

There is nothing more generous than taking time to get to know yourself. Interacting with the world without true knowledge of self is an act of withholding. Entering a social space without true knowledge of self ensures that all interactions are built on dishonesty and deceit.

There is no better way to support your community than by practicing self-care. Engaging with others while grimy is obscene. Conversing while tense is a surefire way to project discomfort, and to contribute to a general atmosphere of malaise. Conversing while moisturized lubricates all parties involved, helping them slide more efficiently towards a just and liberated world.

Self-knowledge allows you to approach the world from known coordinates in a known vessel. Self-knowledge is the stable ground on which one can build radically collaborative structures with earthquake-proof foundations. Self-analysis is a livelong process of excavation, which brings the practitioner asymptotically closer and closer to spherical oneness.

Keeping a diary is, and always has been, a radical act. It says "I matter." It says "my days matter." It says "my drudgeries matter." It says "I am a spelunker, and my carbide lamp is my pen, and my cavern is my own mind." It says "I am a spelunker officially affiliated with a regional grotto chapter of the National Speleological Society but my cave is my subconscious and my grotto is my mind etc etc etc." It says "I may seem like nobody but, much like a nameless California condor, my movements are worth recording and mapping."

The ultimate form of community engagement is going to a late nite talk show taping, and, when the host says "who's excited for our next guest??" yelling "WOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Idea: public autopsy for man named Michael called "Open Mike Night"

06.13.2024 just got cavity filled by dentist (not euphemism)

The world is a thicket, all spiny and unhedged. You find a clearing and say, relieved, I will build a life here.

Analogy and metaphor are highly effective ways of dealing with disappointment. Therapists will help you scale emotional mountains but very few will take you bouldering. Now THAT’s food for thought – chew on THAT, baby boy. Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

Trenchfoot is always a risk. Vector-borne illness is always a threat. Spider veins can indicate everything or nothing. Spiders themselves can indicate virtually anything, but only if you know how to read signs/portents.

There must be a coherent explanation for detachment, probably something grounded in particle physics. If I were smarter, I would have studied physics and gotten really into letters as stand-ins for numbers and accumulated all sorts of technical language for describing the spaces between things. If I had studied French philosophy or Japanese woodworking I might have accumulated technical language for describing the spaces between things.

I just got my fourth of four cavities filled. The dentist had to do them one at a time over the course of two months - my TMJ is so bad my jaw couldn’t stay open for more than an hour. I made a vague joke about my teeth being better suited to England than to Los Angeles. He snorted and said “that’s funny.”

I read an article recently about links between bad tooth hygiene and heart disease. Mouths, like estates, are inherited but require upkeep.

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